School & Family connected

Bakalari is the most popular school management software in the Czech Republic. This year marks 30 years of existence of the company – the first version of the Bakalari program was released already in 1988 at the time of the first Microsoft products. We are visionaries, founders, and pioneers of school management software solutions in the Czech Republic with a stable market position and non-transferable know-how and experience.
The Bakalari program is used in 60% of all Czech schools with over one million users. We are always at the forefront of implementing new regulations into practice, and our own ideas are often reflected into school legislation.

Our system

The Bakalari system provides a high standard and can manage all possible aspects of school life. We have created dozens of various modules and solutions to meet different needs of individual schools. The program is designed both for school management and administration and for individual staff members (teachers, educational counsellors), parents, and students. We place great emphasis on ensuring mutually effective communication among these groups. The system supports e-learning, and we have recently added the function of the parent counselling centre.



The Bakalari program supports all possible technologies and systems – PCs, laptops, mobile phones, apps, and more.

Universal solution


As the only one in the Czech Republic, we provide schools with tailor-made solutions to their specific needs. It is either an IN-HOUSE (within the school’s existing infrastructure), pure CLOUD, or HYBRID (a combination of both) solution.



Thanks to the support we provide for all our solutions, we are considered the safest system on the market in the eyes of both professional public and state institutions. Our system ensures protection of schools' data.



The company founders are teachers themselves. We maintain frequent contact with school managements to stay close to real school practice. We introduce new features with care and only after we can see their actual benefits.


Ready for your school

The absolutely unique interactive timetable generator
B‑INTIME are easy to apply and transferable to schools around the world.

Do you want to know more?